Rectorate Award
The award is given to the graduates who have contributed to the university community and society with their extracurricular activities in addition to their success in courses as a student during the university years. The application for nomination for the Rectorate Award is submitted to the department to which the candidate is affiliated by using the nomination form. Nomination can be done by the department, instructor, administrative staff or the students other than the candidate.
In the 2018-2019 academic year, Elif Özen, a student in the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Undergraduate Program at the Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, received the award.
Dean's Special Award
As required by the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board dated September 5, 2002 and numbered 2002/16, a graduate of the Faculty of Education who is noted for his/her leadership in academic and extracurricular activities, exemplary practices in the fields of teaching and/or guidance, and his/her contributions in improving relations with graduates is given the Dean’s Special Award.
In 2018-2019 academic year, Kardelen Kanığ, a student in the Computer Education and Educational Technology Undergraduate Program at the Department of Computer Education and Educational Technology, received the award.
Click here to see the list of those granted this award in previous years.
Faculty Secretariat Special Award
As required by the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board dated September 5, 2002 and numbered 2002/16 (adopted by the decision of the Faculty Board of Directors dated 19 June 2006 and numbered 2006/20 and dated June 19, 2012 and numbered 2012/15), an undergraduate or graduate student of Faculty of Education who have made contributions to the administrative solutions and service quality of the faculty, in addition to his/her success in the courses is given Faculty Secretariat Special Award every year.
In the 2018-2019 academic year, Mehmet Emin Sağan, a student in the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Undergraduate Program at the Department of Educational Sciences, received Faculty Secretariat Special Award.
Click here to see the list of those granted this award in previous years.
Prof. Cem Alptekin Award
As required by the decision of the Faculty Board dated June 23, 2014 and numbered 2014/4, Prof. Cem Alptekin Award was created to be given on behalf of former Dean of Faculty of Education who was a nationally and internationally leading scientist in the field of foreign language education and applied linguistics.
This award is agreed to be given to students who graduated from the Department of Foreign Language Education or Graduate Programs of the Department of English Language Education and who are exemplary of academic studies and activities that may be candidates of future academicians in the related research fields.
In the 2018-2019 academic year, Prof. Cem Alptekin Award was given to Gülşah Sobucalı, a student in English Language Teaching Graduate Program.
Click here to see the list of those granted this award in previous years.
Prof. Turhan Oğuzkan Award
As required by the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board dated June 16, 2003 and numbered 2003/12 (adopted by the decision of the Faculty Board of Directors dated 21 June 2011 and numbered 2011/15), on behalf of Prof. Turhan Oğuzkan who established the foundation of the Faculty of Education in 1973, a student who is qualified to graduate from the Department of Educational Sciences, and who is exemplary in terms of social sensitivity, activities in education and culture, human relations and academic success is given the Prof. Turhan Oğuzkan Award.
In the 2018-2019 academic year, İsmail Elçiçek, a student in the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Undergraduate Program at the Department of Educational Sciences, received the Prof. Turhan Oğuzkan Award.
Click here to see the list of those granted this award in previous years.
Prof. Hikmet Sebüktekin Award
Supported by Boğaziçi University Alumni Association, Prof. Hikmet Sebüktekin Scholarship Award is given every year on the Teachers' Day to a highly qualified student representing the Faculty of Education at Boğaziçi University in terms of academic achievement, social activity and contribution to society.
In the 2018-2019 academic year, Zehra Baykal, a student of the Primary Education Department, Department of Preschool Education, received Prof. Hikmet Sebüktekin Award.
Click here to see the list of those granted this award in previous years.
The Department of Computer Education and Educational Technology Special Award
It was decided to create a “Department Special Award” to be given to a prominent alumni with their outstanding features in different departments of the Faculty of Education.
2018-2019 - Yüksel Kapan (The Department of Computer Education and Educational Technology)
2015-2016 - Mert GÜL (The Department of Computer Education and Educational Technology)
2015-2016 - Hilal TOROS (The Department of Computer Education and Educational Technology)
The Department of Educational Sciences Special Award
It was decided to create a “Department Special Award” to be given to a prominent alumni with their outstanding features in different departments of the Faculty of Education.
Those granted the award:
2018-2019 – Selin AZİZOĞLU (The Department of Educational Sciences, Guidance and Psychological Counselling Undergraduate Program)
2017-2018 - Pınar ARSLAN (The Department of Educational Sciences, Guidance and Psychological Counselling Undergraduate Program)
2016-2017 - Mert BARUT (The Department of Educational Sciences, Guidance and Psychological Counselling Undergraduate Program)
2015-2016 - Merve ÖZMERAL (The Department of Educational Sciences, Guidance and Psychological Counselling Undergraduate Program)
2015-2016 - Merve Gamze ÜNAL (The Department of Educational Sciences, Guidance and Psychological Counselling Undergraduate Program)
2014-2015 - Ali VAROL (The Department of Educational Sciences, Guidance and Psychological Counselling Undergraduate Program)
2013-2014 - Tuba BAŞBOZKURT (The Department of Educational Sciences, Guidance and Psychological Counselling Undergraduate Program)
The Department of Foreign Language Education Special Award
It was decided to create a “Department Special Award” to be given to a prominent alumni with their outstanding features in different departments of the Faculty of Education.
Those granted the award:
2018-2019 – Gizem CANBULAT (The Department of Foreign Language Education, English Language Teaching Undergraduate Program)
2017-2018 - Samet Umut YAKASIZ (The Department of Foreign Language Education, English Language Teaching Undergraduate Program)
2017-2018 - Dilara TUNALI (The Department of Foreign Language Education, English Language Teaching Undergraduate Program)
2016-2017 - Emine TAŞPINAR (The Department of Foreign Language Education, English Language Teaching Undergraduate Program)
The Department of Mathematics and Science Education Special Award
It was decided to create a “Department Special Award” to be given to a prominent alumni with their outstanding features in different departments of the Faculty of Education.
Those granted the award:
2018-2019 – İlayda ÜZEL (The Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Integrated B.S. and M.S. Program in Teaching Chemistry)
2017-2018 - Emel KIRBAŞ ÇİLİNGİR (The Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Integrated B.S. and M.S. Program in Teaching Chemistry)
2017-2018 - Merve DUYGU (The Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Integrated B.S. and M.S. Program in Teaching Mathematics)
2015-2016 - Pelin GÜREL (The Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Integrated B.S. and M.S. Program in Teaching Physics)
2014-2015 - Saadet BAŞARAN HAKTANIR (The Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Integrated B.S. and M.S. Program in Teaching Chemistry)
The Department of Primary Education Special Award
It was decided to create a “Department Special Award” to be given to a prominent alumni with their outstanding features in different departments of the Faculty of Education.
Those granted the award:
2018-2019 – Beyza Şirvan AYAZ (The Department of Primary Education, Pre-school Education Undergraduate Program)