Vision and Mission
Vision of Boğaziçi University Faculty of Education
Training teachers, psychological counselors and educational technologists equipped with high quality scientific and pedagogical skills through undergraduate and graduate level education; conducting national and international scientific research and training scientists in related fields; being one of the leading schools of education in Turkey and among the worldwide distinguished schools of education.
Mission of Boğaziçi University Faculty of Education
Training self-confident, critical, creative, artistically, culturally, scientifically, technologically and pedagogically equipped teachers, psychological counselors and educational technologists feeling responsible of the community, using scientific and interdisciplinary approaches and methods expected from teachers at national and international levels for solving problems, following ethical principles and cherishing the institutional values of Boğaziçi University.
Making scientific contributions at national and international levels by conducting high quality educational research activities; training scientists competent in theory and practice producing high quality scientific contributions.
Training experts with communal responsibilities, capable of contributing at various levels in educational administration, policy making and implementation.