Cooperation with İstanbul Directorate of National Education in Testing and Evaluation in Education

İstanbul Directorate of National Education and Boğaziçi University signed the “Protocol on Cooperation in the Scope of National and International Level Implementation and Development of Testing and Evaluation Activities in Education”. The protocol to be valid for three years was signed by Levent Yazıcı, İstanbul Director of National Education and Prof. Mehmed Özkan, Rector of Boğaziçi University. Prof. Emine Erktin, Dean of Faculty of Education, and Savaş Doğan and Celal Özdemir, Boğaziçi alumni who work at the Testing and Evaluation Center of İstanbul Directorate of National Education were present at the signing ceremony. 
Within the scope of the protocol signed at Boğaziçi University on May 30, it was aimed to carry out planned studies in the field of testing and evaluation, to improve the quality of all educational services that will increase the achievement levels of the students, to develop training programs and to increase the teacher competencies through practical training activities.
Regarding the implementation and development of quality testing and evaluation activities at national and international level as stated in the protocol, the aim is specified as the analysis of PISA, TIMSS, ABİDE and provincial monitoring research, evaluation of statistical data and carrying out academic studies on the reasons behind the school success/failure in related areas and to introduce new approaches based on these studies.
In order to increase the quality of education, the Protocol envisages supporting professional development through in-service trainings to be offered to teachers in testing and evaluation, and conducting research in the fields specified by the Project Executive Board, education, training, management and other areas covered by the protocol. The research results are planned to be shared as publications such as books, articles, journals and bulletins.
As a part of the protocol, it is also aimed to carry out project studies with institutions such as TUBITAK and Istanbul Development Agency at national level and with EU Support and Grant Programs at international level, to share the results to be obtained in MA and PhD research studies conducted within the university, to collaborate in the training of the staff working in the Istanbul National Education Directorate Testing and Evaluation Center, to encourage the academic staff to participate in the studies carried out by the Directorate and to provide support as trainers, consultants and experts to the studies carried out by the Istanbul Testing and Evaluation Center.