
Name: Gainsburg, Joseph C. and Spector, Samuel I.
Printery: Globe Book Company
Published: New York
Date: 1943
Name: Gallo, Joseph D. and Rink, Henry W.
Printery: Harcourt Brace Jovanowvich
Published: New York
Date: 1973
Name: Goedsche, C.R.
Printery: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.
Published: New York
Date: 1954
Name: Gordon, Morton J. and Wong, Helene H.
Printery: Prenctice-Hall, Inc
Published: New Jersey
Date: 1961
Name: Gordon, Ian
Printery: Heinemann Educational Books
Published: London
Date: 1973
Name: Gray, Willian S./Monroe, Marion / Artley, A. Sterl and Arbothnot, May Hil
Printery: Scott, Foresman and Company
Published: Chicago
Date: 1957
Name: Gregg, Young Joan
Printery: D. Van Nostrand Company
Published: New Yord
Date: 1981
Name: Griesbach, Heinz and Schulz, Dora
Printery: Max Hueber Verlag München
Published: München
Date: 1968
Name: Guide to Modern English
Printery: Scort, Foresman and Company
Published: Chicago
Date: 1955
Name: Guideposts in TEFL
