Running for a Good Cause!

Running for a Good Cause is a charity run web platform that will be used by volunteers who want to run for the projects of non-governmental organizations supported by Adım Adım (Charity Running Platform). 
Together with the Dean of our Faculty Prof. Yasemin Bayyurt, Prof. Sumru Akcan from the Department of Foreign Language Education, and Assoc. Prof. Mine Göl-Güven from the Department of Primary Education achieved good results with the benevolence runs they personally participated in the Istanbul Marathon through the Run for a Good Cause Platform.
While Yasemin Bayyurt and Mine Göl-Güven supported the project “One Child Changes, Turkey Develops” initiated by Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey (TEGV) (, Sumru Akcan contributed to the "Computer Support for Students" project initiated by the Association for the Support of Contemporary Living (CYDD) ( While the education of 37 children was supported with the contributions of 60 donors within the scope of Yasemin Bayyurt's campaign, Mine Göl-Güven's campaign supported the education of 15 children with the contributions of 16 donors. As part of Sumru Akcan's campaign, computer support was provided to one student with the contributions of 20 donors.
Our academicians have taken a leading role in such social solidarity platforms, as well as carrying out educational projects and research in cooperation with schools and NGOs. We would like to thank them especially for their pioneering role in this respect and for reflecting the young and dynamic spirit of our faculty by participating in such social/sportive events. As the Faculty of Education, it will be one of our goals in the coming years to increase and maintain this kind of social solidarity. Hoping to take steps of kindness together in the future!
Note: There are many NGOs in Running for a Good Cause ( platform, you can open your own personal campaign and contribute to the NGO when you want.


Tuesday, 17 November 2020