Bahar Dönemi İkinci Paylaşım Toplantısı

2018-2019 akademik yılı, Bahar Dönemi'nin ikinci paylaşım toplantısı Doç. Dr. Anna Conner'in "Supporting Teachers in Teaching Mathematics, Science, and Coding through Argumentation" başlıklı sunusu olacaktır. Çalışmanın İngilizce özeti aşağıda verilmiştir. Sunum İngilizce olacak ve 8 Mart Cuma günü saat 13:00'te EF 506'da gerçekleşecektir.
Current policy documents across disciplines and across nations call for incorporating appropriate argumentation into teaching at all levels. In this talk I will describe how a group of researchers has built on a framework for supporting argumentation in mathematics at the secondary level to engage teachers at the primary level in teaching mathematics, science, and coding (computer programming and robotic) using argumentation. I will describe the framework, giving some background on its development. I will then describe a professional development course currently being taught and present preliminary results from two primary teachers' classrooms with respect to their engagement of students in coding and argumentation.


Pazartesi, 4 Mart 2019