
Name: Bailey, Matilda and Lewell, Ullin W.
Printery: American Book Company
Published: U.S.A.
Date: 1956
Name: Bander, Robert G.
Printery: Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Published: New York
Date: 1980
Name: Barners, Gregory
Printery: Prentice Hall
Published: N.J.
Date: 1981
Name: Basic English for Science
Printery: Oxford Unversity Press
Published: London
Date: 1974
Name: Baytekin, Çetin
Printery: Ankara Üniversitesi Yayınları
Published: Ankara
Date: 1992
Name: Bazerman, Charles
Printery: Houghton Mifflin Company
Published: Boston
Date: 1981
Name: Beardwood, L., Templeton, H. and Webber, M.
Printery: Heinemann Educational Books
Published: London
Date: 1978
Name: Berke, Jacqueline
Printery: Harcourt Brace Jovanowvich
Published: New York
Date: 1981
Name: Blackmon, Beverly Spears and Dewsnap, James W.
Printery: Wasworth Publishing Company
Published: California
Date: 1982
Name: Blanton, Linda Lonon
Printery: Newbury House Publishers
Published: U.S.A.
Date: 1979
