
Name: Kriedler, Carol J. and McArdle, Lois
Name: Krowitz, Mary Jo
Printery: English Language Programs Division bureau of Educational
Published: Washington
Date: 1985
Name: Kuran, Nedret
Printery: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Published: İstanbul
Date: 1993
Name: Kytle, Ray
Printery: Random House
Published: New York
Date: 1969
Name: Labarca, Angela and Hendrickson, James M.
Printery: Harcourt Brace Jovanowvich
Published: San Diego
Date: 1984
Name: Lado, Robert
Printery: McGraw-Hill Book Company
Published: New York
Date: 1964
Name: Lado, Robert
Printery: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Yayınları
Published: İzmir
Date: 1999
Name: Lane, Lea
Printery: St. Martin's Press
Published: New York
Date: 1981
Name: Laster, Ann A. and Pickett, Ann Nell
Printery: Canfield Press
Published: London
Date: 1977
Name: Lay, Mary M.
Printery: Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Published: New York
Date: 1982
