
Name: Cardwell, J.D.
Printery: F.A. Davis Company
Published: Philadelphia
Date: 1971
Name: Cofer, C.N. and Appley M.H.
Printery: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Published: New York
Date: 1967
Name: Coleman, James c.
Printery: Scott, Foresman and Company
Published: Illinois
Date: 1964
Name: Coleman, James c.
Printery: Scott, Foresman and Company
Published: Illinois
Date: 1960
Name: Coopersmith, Stanley
Printery: W.H. Freeman and Company
Published: San Fransico
Date: 1966
Name: Cowen, Emory L., Gardner, Elmer A. and Zax, Melvin
Printery: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc
Published: New York
Date: 1967
Name: Cozby, Paul C.
Printery: Mayfield Publishing Company
Published: California
Date: 1989
Name: Crites, John O.
Printery: McGraw-Hill Book Company
Published: New York
Date: 1969
Name: Cronbach, Lee J.
Printery: Harper and Row Publishers
Published: New York
Date: 1949
Name: Crow, Lester D. and Crow Alice
Printery: Barnes and Noble, Inc.
Published: New York
Date: 1954
