Güz Dönemi Üçüncü Paylaşım Toplantısı

2018-2019 akademik yılı, Güz Dönemi'nin üçüncü paylaşım toplantısı Doç. Dr. Diler Öner'in "An Epistemic Network Analysis Approach to Assess Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge" başlıklı sunusu olacaktır. Çalışmanın İngilizce özeti aşağıda verilmiştir. Sunum İngilizce olacak ve 16 Kasım Cuma günü saat 13:00'te EF 506'da gerçekleşecektir.


Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) refers to a framework for technology integration as well as the special type of knowledge that teachers need in order to teach effectively with technology. Central to the TPACK framework is the idea of connections and interactions between and among the three core categories of teacher knowledge: technology, content, and pedagogy. This complex relationship between the TPACK domains also makes it difficult to assess TPACK development. While there have been significant advances in terms of the variety of research methodologies and rigor in assessing TPACK over time, the approaches typically focused on identifying TPACK components in isolation, although TPACK represents a dynamic relationship composed of the connections between the three core categories. In this talk, I will present the results of an exploratory study that examined preservice teachers' TPACK development using Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA). Primarily known in the learning sciences community, ENA is a novel data analysis method that allows to identify and quantify connections between network elements and represent them in dynamic models.

Cumartesi, 10 Kasım 2018